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Asking Price

$ 3800


Chat API & SDKs

Minchat is a chat SDK that enables you to easily integrate in-app chat messaging functionality into your app or website within minutes, saving you months of development time. It includes a chat UI builder and chat SDK documentation, and is scalable and able to support concurrency. The platform offers personalized support and allows users to customize the chat UI without writing code. Minchat can be used to create a variety of in-app chat experiences and is designed to make it easy for developers to build in-app chat features quickly.

Problem Solved

- Limited time to launch chat messaging functionality - Limited in-house development resources to build and maintain chat messaging functionality - Complexity of building chat messaging functionality - Desire for enhanced user experience - need to build out chat messaging user interfaces

Selling Points / Additional Information

Main Target Market :
- Soloprenuers
- Startup Founders
- CTOs
- Tech leads

Revenue Stream

Subscription Based:  7 day trial, 3 seperately priced tiers starting at $29/month

Tech Stack

- React
- Next.js
- Nest js
- Postgres

Awards & Recognitions

None yet.


TTM Revenue : $542
Last 30 Day Revenue: $87


Year: Early 2023
Location: Zambia


Revenue generation stage: ★★☆☆☆
Maturity stage: ★★★☆☆
Commitment level required: ★★☆☆☆

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