Problem Solved
It's perfect when you are stuck in transportation and can't focus on anything, including the game.
Selling Points / Additional Information
- You get to own the source code.
- It runs well on mobile.
- It has a tiny size (less than 1mb).
- You can easily bundle it as a Web game and deploy anywhere on the web.
- You can turn it into a mobile game using something like Cordova and publish on Google Play and similar stores.
- You can turn it into a PC game using something like Tauri and publish on Steam.
- You can partner and sell licenses to online HTML5 gaming websites like I did with coolmathgames.(I did sell a license for a game site to use (but not own) the current version of the game on their website. - (if possible, but no pressure) I would love to also keep the current version live on my portfolio page as part of my portfolio. )
Revenue Stream
Not monetized yet but It is a video game. You can monetize by ads or selling copies.
Revenue generation stage: ★☆☆☆☆
Maturity stage: ★★★☆☆
Commitment level required: ★☆☆☆☆
Awards & Recognitions
None yet.
Tech Stack
- Vanilla JS
Year: Late 2023
Location: Egypt